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Firearms Instructors

Private Instruction

In addition to club-sanctioned educational training on the range, ERGC allows club members to teach or sponsor instruction at the range.  

If you have any questions regarding the approval process, please contact the ERGC Safety Director, Dick DiVittorio, via email at Any instruction that is paid must be cleared through the Safety Director. 


Approval Process

Instructors must apply to and be approved by the Safety Director. The application can be submitted by either:

  • Email –

  • Hard Copy – Drop off at range RSO Office with "Attn: Dick DiVittorio"

  • Electronic Form Below

Required Documentation

Instructors Information & Credentials

Instructor credentials must be from a recognized instructor certification organization such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), a Law Enforcement Organization (LEO), or USCCA. Contact information for the certifying organization must be provided with your application.

Proof of Insurance

Individual Instructor(s) – $1 million coverage is required for each instructor and each instructor must be named on the policy.

Corporate Policy – A Corporate Policy of $1 million coverage is required. All instructors must be named insured. 

Course Syllabus- What skills are practiced and mastered and what knowledge is gained by the student before handling a loaded gun at the range. The SC may require modifications to this plan to ensure basic safety skills are included.

A Course of Fire (COF) – A basic description of the planned shooting activities at the range i.e. type of target, distance, number of shots, from what position such as low ready, etc. 


Prohibited Instruction

All livefire activites must comply with ERGC's Standard Operation Procedure. 


Range Usage

Ranges 1-5

These ranges are not available for rental except for special activities approved by the Board of Governors (BOD) such as match events. Dynamic firing (see notes below for definition) is allowed but must be terminated if any non-participating member requests it. Only one member at a time may perform dynamic firing unless the other person is performing Instructor duties and then the ratio is limited to 1:1.

Instructors using these ranges must blend in with other members using the range. 

Ranges 6-10

When one instructor has more than 4 students, he will be required to use one of the rear ranges numbered 6-10.

Range Clean up

The member/sponsor/instructor is responsible for range clean-up to include brass pick-up and returning any items borrowed from the range. The RSO will inspect the range after class completion to ensure the range has been cleaned.

Use the checklist below to make sure you include all required documents.

For any questions of this document contact the Safety Director, Dick DiVittorio,

Application & Checklist

Send the application to: Safety Director (


Paid Instructors Application Form

Type of Certification
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